Office Address

A-34 Sector-63A Noida, Gautam
Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201307

Phone Number

+91 9999118039


Years Of

Instacertify Certifications Made Simple

India's Premier Product Testing and Consultancy Firm since 2015

We are India’s fastest-growing product testing and compliance consultancy with capabilities to quality testing and consulting in BIS, CRS, ISI, CDSCO, WPC, IMEI-DOT, GMARK,LMPC, SFDA,CIB, EPR,E-waste Management. Starting in year 2015 independent consultancy to now have grown to a full-fledged company in September 2022 with clients spread across the globe and operations headquartered in Noida -India and a business office in Vadodara Gujarat.

As part of our fast-paced growth strategy, we keep on expanding through our global alliance spread across the parts of the globe which gives us a know-how of the global practices and processes being followed around the word.

Our Approach

Our Approach toward a business has been pretty simple, no matter what what size project , no matter who the client is.

  • Prescise: To be precise with our all our solutions in terms of compliance, commitment, testing and operational deliverance
  • Premium: Our team ensures no matter how big or small a project, we keep on delivering a premium experience.
  • Promotable: We ensure that every compliance, testing or certification client choose should have a markatable value.

Our Mission

We AIM to create an ecosystem, a diverse marketplace providing all the product testing and certification compliance a business requires at one single point, so the business can go creating the amazing products and services and while we ensure our commitments are delivered.

  • Lead : Become the Industry leader in product and services compliances
  • Global Offering: To cover the major global compliances.
  • Presence : To have physical presence across the major global markets
  • Innovation: Establishing a dynamic innovation Hub.

Experience unparalleled expertise with Instacertify.

Reliability and Timeliness

We pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to delivering results with precision and punctuality.

Client-Centric Approach

Our foremost commitment lies in understanding and addressing the unique needs of our clients.

Hassle Less Process

Experience the ease of compliance with our streamlined and hassle-free process, ensuring efficiency.

Trust By Empowering industry leaders with services, crafting unparalleled experience that define excellence