Water and cleansing agents are employed to eliminate dirt, debris, and visible contaminants from surfaces during the cleaning process. It diminishes the quantity of microorganisms, but it does not eradicate them entirely. In contrast, sterilization is a more rigorous process that employs methods such as heat, chemicals, or radiation to eliminate or destroy all forms of life, including bacteria, viruses, and spores.
Vacuum Cleaner
Mops and Buckets
Steam Cleaners
UV Sterilizers
Sterilizing Cabinets
Blocking Infection: Particularly in healthcare environments, it mitigates the likelihood of hazardous microorganisms disseminating.
Health and Safety: Ensures the preservation of a hygienic environment by preventing the contamination of food, equipment, and surfaces.
Better Equipment Lifespan: The quality and functionality of tools and machinery are maintained through regular cleaning and sterilization.
Compliance: Follows to regulatory requirements, particularly in sectors such as healthcare and culinary services.
Improved Appearance: Facilitates a more aesthetically pleasing and organized environment.
The analyst will first name the chemical type and the standard that it should adhere to, for instance, BIS, or REACH iso standard.
You will inform the lab of your intentions and they will send you a sample of the chemical that you want to be analyzed according to the guidelines given by the lab.
The tests could be through various analysis like pH, viscosity, composition among others using technology like gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, or titration.
The laboratory comes with the detailed reports that compare the deviation from normal conditions such as impurity and the adjustment of chemical properties if of any to be adjusted.